Summer of Code

Andreas Monitzer pidgin at
Sat Mar 22 08:04:27 EDT 2008

On Mar 22, 2008, at 06:41, Kevin Stange wrote:
> Abhinav Upadhyay wrote:
>> I wanted a bit clarification on the project i.e. what exactly is  
>> required whether the whole code is to be re-written  OR just to  
>> edit the GTK+2 code.
> This project would involve creating a native Windows application  
> with a frontend for libpurple using Microsoft Foundation Classes (or  
> perhaps something else native to Windows?), much like Adium X is a  
> native Mac OS X application which uses libpurple.

Uh, isn't that a bit large for a summer project? Just take a look at  
the size of Adium, and try to imagine a student writing that in 3  
months on his own.

I've heard that MFC is hell, btw. Writing windows apps in .NET is  
supposed to be much easier.


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