
Kevin Stange kstange at
Sun Mar 23 20:19:41 EDT 2008

J. Kivinen wrote:
> I've been living in C for the last 8 months.  In class, we've only
> begun C++.  I feel C++ will be easy to pick up in the next two weeks
> of school with my  experience in Python (2 years and counting) and
> Java (2 years ago).  I'm a Linux user as well as an OS X user (and
> Windows if need be).  I am fairly comfortable with most common network
> tools (ie, Wireshark, nmap).

For most of the projects you would participate in with Pidgin or 
libpurple, you would likely work primarily with C.  We do not use any 
C++ in this project, and with the exception of through our external 
plugin loaders (perl, mono, tcl), there's pretty much nothing else either.


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