XMPP Ping timeout and Google Talk

Evan Schoenberg evan.s at dreskin.net
Wed May 14 18:20:06 EDT 2008

On May 14, 2008, at 5:00 PM, Evan Schoenberg wrote:

> Sean wrote:
>> Were these clients using this libxml2 version?
> It appears that Mac OS X 10.4 has libxml2 2.6.16 (which I think is  
> the version you meant).  I'll find out if they were using 10.4.  If  
> anyone is using Mac OS X 10.5, the problem is being seen with later  
> libxml2 versions, as 10.5 has libxml2 2.6.30.

The user wrote:
> * The software firewall is set to "Set access for specific services  
> and
> applications". Adium.app is set to "Allow incoming connections".

This is the Mac OS X  firewall; with those settings, Adium (and  
therefore libpurple) should have no restrictions on its activity.

The user continued:
>  * This only seems to occur in the evenings, from my home ADSL  
> connection.
> It happens at irregular periods – it'll remain connected for anywhere
> between 30 seconds and 5 minutes for a large part of the evening,  
> settling
> down a little later on. It never has any trouble reconnecting  
> immediately.
>  * I'm using 10.5.2 on a new MBP, connecting through an Airport  
> Express
> and another generic wireless AP to my ADSL connection.

Mac OS X 10.5.2 uses libxml2 2.6.30.  This problem is therefore not  
caused by the libxml2 2.6.16 namespace bug.


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