Facebook in Pidgin

Casey Ho pidgin at caseyho.com
Thu Nov 20 22:49:08 EST 2008

Asides from the XMPP issue, are there any other reasons not to implement
Facebook chat?
I don't fully trust Facebook to deliver on their XMPP promises soon.

Facebook has a long history of being a closed platform on other fronts,
citing "user privacy" in most cases.  XMPP would represent the first time
Facebook has implemented an open standard for anything- I'm not
exaggerating.  They're wholly focused on getting people to spend more time
on their pages, and thus I agree with Mark that Pidgin and 3rd party clients
have little leverage.


2008/11/20 Ethan Blanton <elb at pidgin.im>

> Mark Doliner spake unto us the following wisdom:
> > My question is: How do people feel about adding a Facebook PRPL to
> > Pidgin that implements their HTTP protocol?
> I am entirely opposed to this.  We should wait for them to get their
> XMPP in order.
> I am not, however, opposed to any interested parties submitting fixes
> to the facebook prpl upstream to the author.  It really would be nice
> if it weren't so crashy, so we received fewer reports.
> Ethan
> --
> The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws [that have no remedy
> for evils].  They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor
> determined to commit crimes.
>                -- Cesare Beccaria, "On Crimes and Punishments", 1764
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