libpurple2.5.2 crash when add buddy

yyaadet2002 yyaadet2002 at
Wed Nov 26 01:41:47 EST 2008

Hi, all:

my codes here :

static void im_blist_request_add_buddy(PurpleAccount *account, 
const char *username,
const char *group, 
const char *alias)
const char *grp, *who, *whoalias;
PurpleGroup *g;
PurpleBuddy *b;
PurpleConversation *c;
PurpleBuddyIcon *icon;
who = username;
grp = group;
whoalias = alias;
if ( whoalias == NULL || *whoalias == '\0')
whoalias = NULL;
g = NULL;
purple_debug_info(__func__, "Account %s, username %s, group %s, alias %s\n", \
if(grp == NULL) {
if( NULL == (g = purple_find_group("friends"))) {
g = purple_group_new("friends");
purple_blist_add_group(g, NULL);
} else if ((grp != NULL) && (*grp != '\0') && ((g = purple_find_group(grp)) == NULL)) {
g = purple_group_new(grp);
purple_blist_add_group(g, NULL);
b = purple_buddy_new(account, who, whoalias);
purple_blist_add_buddy(b, NULL, g, NULL);
purple_account_add_buddy(account, b);
 * XXX
 * It really seems like it would be better if the call to
 * purple_account_add_buddy() and purple_conversation_update() were done in
 * blist.c, possibly in the purple_blist_add_buddy() function.  Maybe
 * purple_account_add_buddy() should be renamed to
 * purple_blist_add_new_buddy() or something, and have it call
 * purple_blist_add_buddy() after it creates it.  --Mark
 * No that's not good.  blist.c should only deal with adding nodes to the
 * local list.  We need a new, non-gtk file that calls both
 * purple_account_add_buddy and purple_blist_add_buddy().
 * Or something.  --Mark
c = purple_find_conversation_with_account(PURPLE_CONV_TYPE_IM, who, account);
if (c != NULL) {
icon = purple_conv_im_get_icon(PURPLE_CONV_IM(c));
if (icon != NULL)


(gdb) bt
#0  0x286b8887 in calloc () from /lib/
#1  0x286b8b7e in free () from /lib/
#2  0x283716cc in xmlFreeURI () from /usr/local/lib/
#3  0x2835358d in xmlParseStartTag2 () from /usr/local/lib/
#4  0x2835d9d0 in xmlParseElement () from /usr/local/lib/
#5  0x2835e000 in xmlParseDocument () from /usr/local/lib/
#6  0x2835eb1f in xmlSAXUserParseMemory () from /usr/local/lib/
#7  0x282a6fdb in xmlnode_from_str (
    str=0x28826938 "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns:xsd=\""..., size=889) at xmlnode.c:713
#8  0x28b1c2ac in msn_soap_read_cb (data=0x28843ec0, fd=8, cond=PURPLE_INPUT_READ) at soap.c:405
#9  0x08050db3 in im_io_invoke (source=0x28873180, condition=Variable "condition" is not available.
) at imeventloop.c:47
#10 0x284e6b4d in g_io_channel_unix_get_fd () from /usr/local/lib/
#11 0x284b7886 in g_main_context_dispatch () from /usr/local/lib/
#12 0x284bac02 in g_main_context_check () from /usr/local/lib/
#13 0x284bafe7 in g_main_loop_run () from /usr/local/lib/
#14 0x0804d8e5 in main (argc=Cannot access memory at address 0xc
) at server.c:447

help me!


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