Yahoo Protocol 15 Login

John Bailey rekkanoryo at
Wed Oct 22 21:04:20 EDT 2008

Sulabh Mahajan wrote:
> I will be finalizing my GSoC work next week, then start looking into the
> new login procedure.
> I cant really say how long it will take.

I don't think work on Yahoo protocol 16 is particularly important at this point.
   It doesn't add any features we need or want, and further improvement on what
we already have is necessary.  For example, we need a proper review and merge
back to im.pidgin.pidgin for your Summer of Code work (including testing with
Yahoo Japan accounts where possible).  And besides, it's not like Yahoo will
kill protocol 15 tomorrow.  If their past behavior is any indicator, it'll be at
least another 18-24 months before we have to worry about protocol version.

Authentication mechanisms, on the other hand, probably are of more concern; in
this case we probably want to make sure we're looking at Yahoo Messenger 8.1 on
Windows to find the correct authentication mechanisms for our current protocol


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