Microblogging Support in libpurple

Phil Hannent phil at hannent.co.uk
Mon Sep 1 08:19:33 EDT 2008

Benoit Barberousse wrote:
> Merely an inquiring user:  Are there plans for microblogging support in 
> libpurple?  Mozilla's recent showcase of Snowl 
> <http://labs.mozilla.com/2008/08/introducing-snowl/> and the development 
> of the Digsby <http://www.digsby.com/> clientl highlight the need for 
> messaging clients to broaden their concept of messages, keeping pace 
> with what's contemporary.  I am hopeful that libpurple hackers are 
> already thinking the same thing.
The concept of mico-blogging via IM is relatively new, an XMPP specification has 
been given some thought:

However the task itself is mainly a server side one:

For Pidgin to support emails as well, I would not expect any time soon:

Phil Hannent

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