
Paul Aurich paul+pidgin at
Mon Sep 22 15:54:56 EDT 2008

And squeak at spake on 09/22/2008 12:21 PM, saying:
> How can I chenge the status ?
> I wrote something like this:
>  const char *id = purple_primitive_get_id_from_type(g_status);
>  PurpleStatusPrimitive psp = purple_primitive_get_type_from_id( id );
>  PurpleStatusType *pst = purple_status_type_new( psp, id, 0, FALSE );
>  PurplePresence *pp = purple_presence_new_for_account(pAccount.icq);
>  PurpleStatus *ps = purple_status_new( pst, pp);
>  purple_status_set_active( ps, TRUE );
> but it doesn't work
You don't want to call the purple_*_new functions -- libpurple takes 
care of creating all the necessary objects itself. You should either use 
something like the following (a simplified version of something that 
works for me) or the SavedStatus API (which is what Pidgin uses).

This code is a simplified version of something that works for me:

PurpleStatusType *type = 
purple_account_get_status_type_with_primitive(account, PURPLE_STATUS_AWAY);
if (purple_status_type_get_attr(type, "message")) {
    purple_account_set_status(account, purple_status_type_get_id(type), 
TRUE, "message", "Food time. Be back by 13:30.", NULL);
} else {
    purple_account_set_status(account, purple_status_type_get_id(type), 


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