Want to add retromessenger to pidgin

Etan Reisner pidgin at unreliablesource.net
Sat Jun 27 18:08:40 EDT 2009

On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 03:16:03PM +0530, mahendra panpalia wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to add http://retromessneger.sf.net to pidgin.
> http://retromessenger.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/retromessenger/QTRS_retromessenger_mingw_SVN1139/retroshare/trunk/retroshare-gui/
> It is based on the concept of PGP keys which makes it most secure chat
> messenger.
> It is a QT/C++ based tiny instant messenger having feature of chatting with
> friends  and Link cloud (sharing URLs with friends).
> Please can any one help me how to start with?
> --
> Thanks and Kind Regards,
> Mahendra Panpalia
> URL:http://www.morphe-us.com

Both the Gadu-Gadu and Sametime protocol plugins in pidgin currently link
to external libraries for the protocol functionality and are thus
'wrappers' around them. Assuming there is already a retroshare library
available (which a quick look seems to indicate there is) you can do
something similar.


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