UPnP port-mapping leak

Sadrul Habib Chowdhury imadil at gmail.com
Tue Jun 2 21:47:55 EDT 2009

* Marcus Lundblad had this to say on [02 Jun 2009, 21:30:29 +0200]:
> When working on jingle file transfers I've come across an issue.
> After investigating some further, I've realised libpurple "leaks" UPnP
> port mapping leases, appearently my Linksys WRT54GL can only hold 32
> forwarding.
> As it turns out, we don't issue a delete port mapping action when
> finished with using a port (f.ex. for a file transfer).
> I can see two solutions:
> 1) Add a new call "purple_network_remove_port_forwarding" that takes a
> fd (gives the port) and protocol (TCP or UDP). The code in network.c
> will have to keep track of mapped ports (to determine if there is a
> successfull UPnP mapping for a given port).

Wold upnp.h:purple_upnp_remove_port_mapping do?


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