Privacy Rewrite GSoC Project

Sulabh Mahajan at
Fri Jun 19 12:38:31 EDT 2009

I am sure you guys are really busy, but some reviews, ideas, comments,
critics etc would be really helpful. *Eagerly* waiting for your replies.


Thanking you,
Sorry to make you guys read long boring emails :P

On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 11:31 PM, Sulabh Mahajan < at>wrote:

> Here are some details of the plan to implement the privacy rewrite in view
> of the discussions that have happened on the devel list:
> 1. We use the following structures to define the privacy states and types:
> PurplePrivacyListType defines the types of possible privacy lists supported
> by a protocol
> typedef enum _PurplePrivacyListType
> {
> } PurplePrivacyListType;
> Following structures are used to define the privacy states for an account,
> or a list of these are used by a protocol to specify the supported privacy
> types:
> typedef enum _PrivacyStateType
> {
>         ALLOW_ALL = 1,
>         BLOCK_ALL,
> } PrivacyStateType;
> /* The following structure defines what we are allowing or blocking,
> messages or presence or both */
> typedef enum _PrivacyStateOf
> {
>         PRIVACY_STATE_BOTH, /* when msg, presence both tied together,
> blocking blocks both */
>         PRIVACY_STATE_EITHER /* when msg, presence can be blocked
> separately for a contact */
> } PrivacyStateOf;
> The following structure combines the above two along with some flags to
> define the scope of the features: local only or supported by the server;
> Need a local list or not.
> typedef struct _PurplePrivacyState
> {
>         PrivacyStateType privacytype;
>         PrivacyStateOf privacyof;
>         gboolean privacy_state_local; /* defines whether this features is
> local only/faked or implemented on server */
>         gboolean privacy_state_needs_local_storage; /* to keep track of
> which states require storage of list locally */
> } PurplePrivacyState;
> privacy_state_needs_local_storage is required so as to NOT implement those
> states which require locally storing a privacy list. As stated by Will such
> states wont be of any use for Telepathy.
>  2. Each protocol/prpl implements privacy features using the function
> specified through PurplePluginProtocolInfo prpl_info:
>    - void (*privacy_list_add)(PurpleConnection *, PurplePrivacyListType
>    list_type, const char *name);
>    - void (*privacy_list_rem)(PurpleConnection *, PurplePrivacyListType
>    list_type, const char *name);
>    - void (*set_privacy_state)(PurpleConnection *);
>    - void (*define_supported_privacy_states)(PurpleConnection *);
>  *privacy_list_add(), privacy_list_rem()* as the name suggest adds and
> removes the given contact's id in the privacy lists of the server. The type
> of list is given by the struct PurplePrivacyListType.
> *set_privacy_state()* sets the privacy state for the particular account. account->account_privacy_type
> stores the state to be set for a particular account.
> *define_supported_privacy_states()* is a function that necessarily be
> implemented by each protocol. It registers a list of states of type
> PurplePrivacyState that a protocol supports. It can also be replaced by a
> linked list of elements of type PurplePrivacyState.
> 3. The idea is to define the complete list of supported states using these
> structures.
> For example,
> For AIM:
> PrivacyStateType                        PrivacyStateOf
> privacy_state_local                privacy_state_needs_local_storage
> ALLOW_ALL                         PRIVACY_STATE_BOTH
> FALSE                                            FALSE
>  PRIVACY_STATE_BOTH              FALSE                                            FALSE
>  PRIVACY_STATE_BOTH              FALSE                                            FALSE
>  FALSE                                            FALSE
> BLOCK_ALL                           PRIVACY_STATE_EITHER
> TRUE                                              FALSE
> The last entry corresponds to the fact that we can "separately" block
> messages from everyone and presence to everyone. This is a faked option,
> where being invisible to everyone (blocking presence to everyone) is
> supported on server, but, blocking messages from everyone while being
> visible to everyone is faked by dropping messages locally (under ALLOW_ALL
> state). The entry "BLOCK_ALL, PRIVACY_STATE_BOTH, FALSE" corresponds to
> blocking both message and presence to everyone, which is different from
> blocking either of message or presence at a time.
> For IRC:
> PrivacyStateType                         PrivacyStateOf
>        privacy_state_local         privacy_state_needs_local_storage
> ALLOW_ALL                          PRIVACY_STATE_BOTH
> FALSE                                    FALSE
>  TRUE                                       FALSE
>  TRUE                                       TRUE
> BLOCK_ALL                           PRIVACY_STATE_MESSAGE
>  TRUE                                       FALSE
> TRUE                                      TRUE
> As you can see "completely" specifying supported privacy states for every
> protocol can be a challenging task, especially since we can fake several of
> the features the protocol doesn't provide. This is by far the best way I
> have figured to solve this issue.
> 4. Privacy Public API:
> (We will have a global PurplePrivacyState, or states can be set separately
> for each account (account->account_privacy_type))
>    - purple_privacy_state_set_global(...,PurplePrivacyState
>    global_state,...)
>    - purple_privacy_state_set_account(...,PurpleConnection *,
>    PurplePrivacyState state,...)
>    - purple_privacy_list_add(...,PurplePrivacyListType tp,
>    PurplePrivacyListAddedCb cb,...)
>    - purple_privacy_list_remove(...,PurplePrivacyListType tp,
>    PurplePrivacyListRemovedCb cb,...)
>  UI can register Cb that would be called on removing/adding a contact to a
> list, specifying error with error type if any ( if list modification fails
> asynchronously with the server, as stated by Will). Similarly callback will
> be implemented for every function that interacts with the server and might
> result in an error.
>    - purple_privacy_allow_message(...,PurpleConnection *, const char
>    *,...)
>    - purple_privacy_allow_presence(...,PurpleConnection *, const char
>    *,...)
>    - purple_privacy_allow_both(...,PurpleConnection *, const char *,...)
>    - purple_privacy_deny_message(...,PurpleConnection *, const char *,...)
>    - purple_privacy_deny_presence(...,PurpleConnection *, const char
>    *,...)
>    - purple_privacy_deny_both(...,PurpleConnection *, const char *,...)
>    - purple_privacy_check(...,PurpleConnection *, const char *,...)
>  returns whether message/presence/both allowed?
>    - purple_privacy_init(...,gboolean disable_local_features,...)
>  UI can call privacy subsystem to disable the local/faked features, as
> stated by Will needed by Telepathy
>    - purple_privacy_set_ui_ops(..)
>    - purple_privacy_get_ui_ops(..)
>    - purple_privacy_item_blocked(...,PurplePrivacyItemType,...)
>  libpurple on receiving an item (chat, notification, file transfer,
> anything) calls this function, which in turns callbacks a function
> registered by the UI/plugin. PurplePrivacyItemType is defined as the various
> types of items we block from a contact:
> typedef enum _PurplePrivacyItemType
> {
>         ...,
>         ...
> } PurplePrivacyItemType;
> 5.
> As discussed on the devel list, it is preferred to store the privacy
> information about contacts in the blist itself. This is a great idea, but
> another approach that we can follow is to construct a separate list for
> privacy, "plist" stored in a file, "plist.xml". This list would contain an
> entry to each and every contact that we ever encounter, including the
> buddies as well. This follows the idea of having a super list which is the
> union of buddy list, and all the various privacy lists.
> Following an approach similar to blist, our plist structures will look
> somewhat like:
> struct _PurplePList
> {
>         PurplePlistNode *root;
>         GHashTable *contacts;
>         void *ui_data;
> };
> struct _PurplePlistNode
> {
>         PurplePlistNode *prev;
>         PurplePlistNode *next;
>         void *ui_data;
>         void *proto_data;
>         char *name;
>         char *alias;
>         PurpleAccount *account;
>         PurplePrivacyContactType privacy;
> };
> PurplePrivacyContactType defines the privacy information associated with
> the buddy:
> typedef struct _PurplePrivacyContactType
> {
>        gboolean purple_privacy_receive_message;
>        gboolean purple_privacy_send_presence;
>        gboolean contact_on_server_list;             /* whether this contact
> is in some list on server or not */
> } PurplePrivacyContactType;
> plist xml tree would look like:
> --<purple ver>
>         --<plist>
>                --<account>
>                        --<contacts>
>                        --<contacts>
>                        ....
>                        --<contacts>
>                --<account>
>                        --<contacts>
>                        --<contacts>
>                        ....
>                        --<contacts>
>                .....
>                .....
> 6. plist API: similar to blist API, probable functions that would be
> implemented:
> plist management:
>        purple_plist_new(), purple_set_plist(), purple_get_plist(),
>        purple_plist_get_ui_data(), purple_plist_set_ui_data(),
>        purple_plist_load(), purple_plist_save()
> plist iteration, account addition/removing:
>        purple_plist_get_root(), purple_plist_node_next(),
> purple_plist_get_contacts(),
>        purple_plist_add_account(), purple_plist_remove_account()
> contact management:
>        purple_plist_contact_new(), purple_plist_contact_destroy(),
>        purple_plist_contact_add(), purple_plist_contact_remove(),
>        purple_plist_contact_get_ui_data(),
> purple_plist_contact_set_ui_data(), purple_plist_contact_update_state(),
>        purple_plist_contact_get_protocol_data(),
> purple_plist_contact_set_protocol_data(),
>        purple_plist_contact_get_alias(), purple_plist_contact_set_alias()
> ui ops:
>        purple_plist_set_ui_ops(), purple_plist_get_ui_ops()
> 6. Apart from plist, buddies in blist will have PurplePrivacyBuddyType
> structure as a member to structure PurpleBuddy so as to store privacy
> state for easy access by buddy tooltip.
>         typedef struct _PurplePrivacyContactType PurplePrivacyBuddytype;
> blist API would have additions of following functions to enable showing the
> least restrictive privacy state in buddy tooltip:
>         PurplePrivacyState *purple_contact_get_priority_privacystate(...)
> This is roughly an idea on how I am implementing the privacy rewrite. I
> have tried to keep the mail short :-p , hence I am sure I might have missed
> a few things, specifically I have not mentioned anything about multi user
> chat. I don't really understand how we can have any level of privacy in MUC.
> I tried searching but couldn't find anything about privacy in context of
> MUC.
> MUC needs to be discussed, please feel free to write any idea you have
> regarding privacy in MUC.
> I am sure I have covered most of the points that have been discussed in the
> devel list regarding privacy. Let me know if some idea sounds substandard or
> if you have some better way to implement something.
> Will and other telepathy developers are especially requested to present
> their views. I have followed most of the suggestions Will proposed like
> allowing UI to disable features that require storing lists locally, having
> callback functions to report errors when some function dealing with server
> can fail asynchronously, and using union of all the lists to store privacy
> information.
> Florian, what are your views about this implementation in view of
> Instantbird development.
> Zachary, and other Adium developers are requested to comment upon the
> mentioned ideas.
> Also I would love to listen the views of Pidgin developers, especially
> Sadrul, and John.
> Sulabh
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