Some memory leak present in Pidgin.

Mark Doliner mark at
Fri Mar 27 14:19:07 EDT 2009

On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 4:33 AM, Mayank Jain Nawal <mayank at> wrote:
> Mark Doliner wrote:
>> I looked through all of these and fixed the ones that made sense.
>> Some of them I couldn't find... I'm guessing because line numbers
>> might have changed or because they've already been fixed.  Some of
>> them are invalid... like a lot of the ones for msn it complains that
>> we're not freeing the return value from realloc, even though we
>> checked that the return value is NULL.
> Can you be please be more specific what doesn't make sense to you with line
> number. Where is your code base.

Sorry I didn't keep a list of which ones I couldn't find.  From memory
I think the code in
pidgin-2.5.5/libpurple/protocols/yahoo/yahoo_filexfer.c has changed a
bit since 2.5.5 (I only looked at the code in the  head revision of
our repository).  I think a few others might have already been fixed.
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