The webkit branch and message style themes

Jorge Villaseñor salinasv at
Sat Nov 14 17:31:58 EST 2009

On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 11:02 AM, Sadrul Habib Chowdhury
<imadil at> wrote:
> * Marcus Lundblad had this to say on [11 Nov 2009, 22:38:58 +0100]:
>> I had a discussion with Masca (and others) the other day about
>> integrating the Adium message style support (which is currently a plugin
>> in the webkitmessageview branch) into the Pidgin core (probably as a
>> theme loader).
>> How does this sound?

I think it must be integrated in core using the theme infrastructure.
(I also think smiley themes must be integrated to the new themes API).

> I haven't really followed the development in that branch. But considering
> the amount of work that may be necessary to get it releasable, perhaps we
> can target it for 2.7.0?
> Cheers,
> Sadrul

IIRC this branch changed some API so it can't be released before
3.0.0. Still I think it worth start working on getting this bit

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