GSoc Proposal of "plugin management feature & emotion management feature"

ollir zhang ollir.h at
Sat Apr 10 13:32:16 EDT 2010

> How do you plan to handle building of C plugins?
> What's the process of screening malicious plugin, and what's the
> workflow like?

Here is a document that describes my design of plugin management feature:

Please have a look, thanks~

> I think plugin management is going to be significantly more difficult

 than emoticon management, and it doesn't seem like your timeline
> reflects that. I am not sure if anyone could finish both in GSoC.
> Well, I made a detailed replan about my summer time. It seems I have no
time to implement emotion management feature. So, For a better
implementation of plugin mangement feature,  I'm sorry to cut off this plan.
Because I can not modify my proposal anymore (over deadline), I created a
new document say my detailed schedule.

Thanks for you review.

And here's my original proposal. I cannot modify it any more.

Best Regards
ollir zhang
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