Altering the context menu for email address

Matthew McCorry mccorry at
Tue Apr 27 10:13:08 EDT 2010

Hi there

I'm trying to learn C and more about Pidgin by making a small plugin.  My  
plugin adds an option into the context menu of email addresses that  
forwards the email to the add buddy form.
You can find it here:

My problem is that my code copies too much code.  I'm using  
gtk_imhtml_class_register_protocol() to remove the protocol, then re-add  
it with my new option.  It's not a good solution.
How can I access the context menu of the "mailto:" protocol and alter it?   
I've been looking at the "url_clicked" signal, but that doesn't seem like  
the answer.

Thanks if anyone can help me out, or point me in the right direction.   
I've been staring at the API for days now.

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