2.7.1 Yahoo Connection help

McAdams, James JMcAdams at infospherix.com
Mon Jul 19 14:35:56 EDT 2010

We are trying to use Pidgin in our office so supervisors can communicate
throughout the building. We all signed up for Yahoo accounts and I am
starting to see that as a problem. We are using the offline 2.7.1 version
and I am getting an error "unable to connect the server returned an empty
response." Luckily, it is only one person for now. I tried looking it up on
Google, but everything seemed to be for older versions. 

If you guys have fixed this, can you tell me how to configure it so we can
get this person online? Thanks!

James McAdams
Supervisor, Frostburg Call Center
Active Network
jmcadams at infospherix.com
1 Technology Drive
Frostburg, MD 21532

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