ChangeLog request

Ethan Blanton elb at
Sun Jul 25 15:26:53 EDT 2010

Ari Pollak spake unto us the following wisdom:
> I have a small request for pidgin developers and the ChangeLog - when
> fixing something that is assigned to a ticket in Trac, could you
> reference the ticket number in the ChangeLog entry? That would make it
> much easier for triagers/packagers to cross-reference bugs without going
> through all the MTN logs.

While this seems like a very reasonable request, you may yet find the
following helpful:

mtn log --from t:v2.7.2 --to t:v2.7.1 --no-graph | grep -i fixes

That will get you a quick-and-dirty list of fixes (along with some
other cruft, probably, for most releases) in the release specified by
--from which are not in the release specified by --to.  We tag all of
our releases with tags of the form 'vX.Y.Z'.


The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws [that have no remedy
for evils].  They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor
determined to commit crimes.
		-- Cesare Beccaria, "On Crimes and Punishments", 1764
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