Fwd: a user requests to add me as a friend,im robot exit and crash

Paul Aurich paul at darkrain42.org
Sat May 8 12:08:36 EDT 2010

And hqlong spoke on 05/08/2010 04:35 AM, saying:
> ---------- 已转发邮件 ----------
> 发件人: hqlong <houqinglong at gmail.com>
> 日期: 2010年5月7日 下午12:46
> 主题: Re: a user requests to add me as a friend,im robot exit and crash
> 收件人: Daniel Atallah <datallah at pidgin.im>
> thank you for you reponse.

> --
> 祝好!
> hqlong

If your program is crashing, run it in gdb (or enable core dumps, run it
until it crashes, and then load the core dump into GDB).  See
http://pidgin.im/gdb for some basic instructions.

Your code is incomplete (I don't see the definitions of http_post() and
url_encode() anywhere).

A few comments, though:
  * If http_post() returns NULL, strlen(NULL) will crash.  strlen(str) == 0
is also a (relatively) inefficient check, "(rps_text == NULL || *rps_text
== '\0') is better.
  * You need to free 'data'

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