problem sending message?

sandeep sandeep at
Tue May 11 04:08:44 EDT 2010

Hello Support,

How we send IM messages to our contacts?

we are successfully getting messages from our contacts but could not send 
message to them using commandline ...

We are using ...


To print IM conv messages on command line

/*** Conversation uiops ***/
static void
null_write_conv(PurpleConversation *conv, const char *who, const char *alias,
                        const char *message, PurpleMessageFlags flags, time_t 
        const char *name;
        if (alias && *alias)
                name = alias;
        else if (who && *who)
                name = who;
                name = NULL;
        printf("(%s) %s %s: %s\n", purple_conversation_get_name(conv),
                        purple_utf8_strftime("(%H:%M:%S)", localtime(&mtime)),
                        name, message);
        if(x == 0)
            //x = -1;

static PurpleConversationUiOps null_conv_uiops =
        NULL,                      /* create_conversation  */
        NULL,                      /* destroy_conversation */
        NULL,                      /* write_chat           */
        NULL,                      /* write_im             */
        null_write_conv,     /* write_conv           */
        NULL,                      /* chat_add_users       */
        NULL,                      /* chat_rename_user     */
        NULL,                      /* chat_remove_users    */
        NULL,                      /* chat_update_user     */
        NULL,                      /* present              */
        NULL,                      /* has_focus            */
        NULL,                      /* custom_smiley_add    */
        NULL,                      /* custom_smiley_write  */
        NULL,                      /* custom_smiley_close  */
        NULL,                      /* send_confirm         */


Could someone help us about the event/method we have to use in 
"PurpleConversationUiOps null_conv_uiops"?

Also how we get online status of contacts / buddies?

Sandeep Verma
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