Plans for Pidgin 2.7.5

John Bailey rekkanoryo at
Thu Oct 21 13:31:39 EDT 2010

Since we just released Pidgin 2.7.4 I think it's time to think about what we
should do for 2.7.5.  We've been a bit negligent on actual planning lately, and
we need to change that.  So, here's the plan I came up with.

 * Two week merge window starting now and ending on 2010-11-03.  In this time
any branches that don't touch API should be merged.  This would include MSNP16
or the MSN SoC branch if either or both are merge-ready for i.p.p.
 * One week of bug fixing, patching, etc. starting 2010-11-04 and ending
2010-11-09.  During this time no new merges are allowed.
 * One week string freeze while additional bug fixing, patching, etc. that does
not affect translatable strings occur.  String freeze should start on 2010-11-10
with a hard deadline of 2010-11-17, 23:59:59 US Eastern.  Any translations
submitted after this date are to be ignored until 2.7.5 is tagged and released.
 Again, during this window, no new merges allowed.
 * Release 2.7.5 on 2010-11-18.
 * Consider moving to 2.8.0 for next release.

Of course this plan is contingent on there not being any security issues
discovered.  Security issues, if discovered, will necessitate rethinking this
plan, potentially with a 2.7.5 that contains only security fixes and the current
plan being shifted for 2.7.6, with 2.8.0 consideration afterward.


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