Windows 7 won't load my custom plugin

Michael Cronenworth mike at
Mon Sep 13 13:22:17 EDT 2010

  Hi all,

I've built a basic Pidgin 2.7.3 GUI plugin that works well under Linux 
(Fedora 13 x86_64) as well as Windows XP SP3 32-bit. However, when I try 
to use my plugin under Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit) the plugin is not 
loaded. The debug window output after opening the plugins window is the 

(12:14:48) plugins: C:\Program Files (x86)\Pidgin\plugins\gone.dll is 
not loadable: `C:\Program Files (x86)\Pidgin\plugins\gone.dll': %1 is 
not a valid Win32 application.

I've tried building the DLL under both a real MinGW environment in 
Windows XP and my Fedora MinGW environment. Both DLLs work great under 
Windows XP, but both fail with the same message in Windows 7.

Any ideas?

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