RFC: Rules for distro-friendly packages

Enrico Weigelt weigelt at metux.de
Mon Sep 13 23:14:12 EDT 2010

* Allan Clark <allanc at chickenandporn.com> wrote:


> You have a focus on autogen.sh which is long-since replaced
> by autoreconf -vfi. 

This is only works for some packages, others might need other
steps. These rules should be _generic_, IOW: applicable to all
packages (within certain classes). As soon as you're dropping
(or not-introducing) the canonical autogen.sh, you require 
distro maintainers to cope with another dimension of separate
cases (those wo have autogen.sh and those who dont).

Note that's all about interfaces - between package's source
tree upstream and distro maintainer's toolsets). These should
be as generic as possible, to reduce the amount of separate
cases for each individual distro maintainer.

(the autogen.sh file is only written once, and most like never
has to be touched again, while distro's specfiles have to be
written for each single distro and often touched for each
new release);

 Enrico Weigelt, metux IT service -- http://www.metux.de/

 phone:  +49 36207 519931  email: weigelt at metux.de
 mobile: +49 151 27565287  icq:   210169427         skype: nekrad666
 Embedded-Linux / Portierung / Opensource-QM / Verteilte Systeme

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