Plans for 3.0.0

Jason Straw jason.straw at
Mon Mar 14 00:33:12 EDT 2011

On 03/14/2011 12:21 AM, John Bailey wrote:
I am looking forward to everything posted above!

> I'm also inclined to say that if we break something such that a 3.0.0 .purple
> can't be used at all by a previous version, we shouldn't lose any sleep over it.
>   It's a bit nuts, in my opinion, to expect to take the same config directory and
> use it with more than one major version of the application.

As someone who is likely to want to beta test a major upgrade to 
libpurple/pidgin, I would like to request that any updates to the 
configuration either be migrated to a new directory _or_ there be a 
chance to stop the new version before it migrates to ensure that you can 
backup the data.

It could even be as simple as using an available zip functionality 
(tar/gz or Windows compressed folder) to create a backup on first run.


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