Agreement with ICQ

Sean Egan seanegan at
Tue May 24 12:49:50 EDT 2011

On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 9:16 AM, Ethan Blanton <elb at> wrote:
> Ivan Komarov spake unto us the following wisdom:
>> > Under no circumstance should this agreement be signed.  If they don't
>> > care about whether we satisfy these provisions or not, they should
>> > provide us with a new contract themselves, or we should mark out the
>> > unacceptable provisions, initial the changes, and send it back to them
>> > for review.
>> OK, they say we can send a revised version of the agreement to them
>> for their lawyers to review. What other provisions except those
>> already mentioned are unacceptable for us?
> I think we would need to consult our lawyers about this.
> Frankly, given how unprofessionally they have approached this, I'd
> prefer to simply not enter into any agreements at all.  What does it
> buy us?

Agreed. I forwarded the agreement to Karen, and CCed Ivan on it.

Ivan, it's probably best not to respond to Andrey anymore until we
hear back from Karen. She'll probably want to get in touch with their
lawyers directly (rather than going through a middleman in marketing).

I'll keep this list posted.

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