Protocol Plugin for http based chat application.

karthik kumar kumarkarthikn at
Wed Oct 19 10:04:23 EDT 2011

    I am newbie here. I have been trying to create a protocol plugin for our
chat application which is based on http. I have gone through the document
'Pidgin C How to' and libpurple/protocol/null  and few other protocol
plugins. I have some questions.

1. What's exactly a protocol plugin - it contains definitions of events or
actions like incoming_im_msg()  buddy_comes_online() and so on for our own
protocol (http). Protocol plugin is loaded and keeps running waiting for
incoming_im_msg() and other events which we have defined. If an event
happens it sends out signal to UI. AM I Correct ????

2. I am not sure on what to write on  protocol plugin with C program.
    curl  url  -> gives me an xml it contains event type and
data.(event=incoming chat, msg=xxxxxx)
    parse the xml and get the event and msg.

 Can someone give me a small idea of what needs to be done for this to be
written on C program.

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