About FBChat and logging

Peter Lawler bleeter at gmail.com
Wed May 2 04:44:21 EDT 2012

> On May 2, 2012, at 3:05 PM, Peter Lawler wrote:
>> On 02/05/12 17:32, John Indra wrote:
>>> 1. I am trying to make a command line FBChat client app
>> have you looked at finch(1)?
>> Pete.
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On 02/05/12 18:33, John Indra wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> First of all, thanks very much for the response.
> I haven't really tried finch before your suggestion.
> It seems that finch doesn't need FB App to send FBChat msg?

I'm going out on a limb here and guessing Finch can use XMPP to talk to
Facebook Chat. I've not tried it myself. But off the top of my head I
have no reason to suspect it wouldn't work.

> If there is nothing special that finch does, do you have any idea why
is my purple_conversation_new() not working?

None at all.

> Thanks,
You're welcome.

> John

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