Pidgin and the End of Windows Live Messenger

Jaldora Kyor jaldorakyor at
Tue Nov 6 15:08:29 EST 2012

So I'm not entirely sure that this is the right place to mention this, but
here goes:


I know that in the past Pidgin hasn't been interested in dealing with Skype.
However, Microsoft has apparently decided to kill off Windows Live Messenger
in Q1 2013 and transition all those users onto Skype instead.


I don't know if there are any statistics about what networks users use on
Pidgin, but Windows Live Messenger has to be one of the largest IM networks
in the western world, anyway.


Is Pidgin going to decide to support Skype, or are they just going to let
Windows Messenger drop out of Skype?


(Alternatively, at least one person from Microsoft has mentioned that there
will be potential legacy support for certainly clients- like the Windows
Phone's messenger client- to continue to access the new network, although
they haven't said how that's going to be accomplished or for how long it
would be available).






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