Adding JSON library to libpurple dependencies

Jorge Villaseñor salinasv at
Wed Sep 26 11:42:52 EDT 2012

On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 12:04 PM, Tomasz Wasilczyk
<tomkiewicz.groups at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am asking here for adding any JSON support library to required
> dependencies of libpurple 3.x, maybe JSON-GLib (licensed under LGPL).
> Is there any chance for it? I need it for introducing new features for
> GG protocol.
> Another thing, we talked before on devel at, was
> adding any http library to dependencies. We considered libsoup and
> libcurl. I asked for it before [1], but I'm not sure, if I got
> official answer (Ethan said, he's for it). Can I just push any of
> these libraries to
> Thanks,
> Tomek
> [1]

If it is needed or very helpful for GG, go for it.


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