Pidgin buddy information?

Jouni Heikura jouni.heikura at
Fri Jan 25 04:16:19 EST 2013


I have tried to do Pidgin plugin where is list of buddies and their
status, note and calendar information.

I am using sipe plugin, and I would like to get same information that
buddy tool tip window shows.

Selected buddy information:
-sip:name at
-Status:In a confrence  ( I can cet only "busy" information, where I can
get "In a confrence" message?)
-Calendar:....  (Where I can get this information?)
-Acces level:*Unknown

With these c codes I gan get only some of these informations
GList *accounts = purple_accounts_get_all_active();
       for (; accounts; accounts = g_list_delete_link(accounts, accounts)) {
	   GSList *buddies = purple_find_buddies(accounts->data, NULL);
		for (; buddies; buddies = g_slist_delete_link(buddies,buddies)) {
		   	   	   PurpleBuddy *buddy = buddies->data;
             PurpleStatus *status = purple_presence_get_active_status(buddy);
      !!!!!  (get Status message "busy") = purple_status_get_name(status);

Is there any solutions or functions to get missing information with c code?

Best regards
Jouni Heikura

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