"Optimised for Lync" headsets

David Woodhouse dwmw2 at infradead.org
Thu Mar 22 19:28:53 EDT 2018

On Thu, 2018-03-22 at 22:42 +0000, Junge, Terry wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: David Woodhouse [mailto:dwmw2 at infradead.org]
> > I've done this for my Jabra headset, based on example code from Jabra
> > (thanks). Would be good to support other devices like Plantronics,
> > perhaps...
> Any vendor's Lync (now Skype for Business) certified headset should work
> with the sample code graciously supplied by Jabra with a little enhancement.
> Plantronics VID is 0x047f and Sennheiser VID is 0x1395. If you look for those as
> well as Jabra's then, at least the Mute/Unmute will work as coded.
> For ring detect, Plantronics and Sennheiser (one model I looked at) do not support
> the Tel_Ringer usage so the writeUsage lines setting/clearing the Tel_Ringer usage
> should only execute for Jabra devices, or you could test for the existence of the usage.
> Hook-switch handling would also need some fixing for Plantronics and Sennheiser.

Ah, that's extremely useful feedback, thanks!

I'm not actually using the ringer support at all right now, so I'm not
entirely averse to just ripping it out completely.

What needs fixing for the hook switch handling? 

It may transpire that the best place to put this is in PulseAudio. I
think for Bluetooth HFP it *has* to be there anyway, since that's where
the RFCOMM channel is handled. And exposing these events/controls
through the pulsesrc/pulsesink GStreamer element means that we have
them in the actual media pipeline and have better control over which
device we're interacting with — rather than the way my plugin goes and
finds *any* USB headset right now, even if Pidgin is actually using a
completely different device for audio.

But getting the basic HID parts right is necessary wherever the code
actually ends up landing, of course.
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