chat windows opened in maximized state, stealing focus

Olaf Hering olaf at
Tue Jul 2 13:23:18 EDT 2019

On Mon, Jul 01, Konrad Gräfe wrote:

> Hello Olaf,
> When you connect to an IRC bouncer like ZNC it sends JOINs for every
> channel you are joined to. I guess your patch breaks Pidgin's behavior
> in that case?

That might be true. Unexpected IRC chats will have no UI representation.

> Also this patch has the potential to break a lot of 3rd party protocol
> plugins (just as it did for the in-tree protocols you manually fixed).

Since the plugins are for pidgin (not the other way around), the answer
is simply that they have to follow suit with any change that is required
to fix the bug.

In the end I think needs much more surgery to fix this bug.

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