Email Lists

Gary Kramlich grim at
Thu Oct 6 05:52:14 EDT 2022

Greetings Programs!

As some of you may be aware, we've been in the process of transitioning 
our email lists to a new server. Well, managing email in 2022 is tedious 
and unforgiving so it's taking forever and I always have a ton more on 
my plate that's easier to do.

As such, the idea has come up to migrate to Discource instead. Because 
of this, I'm trying to see how others feel about this and how we should 
go about importing things. They are listed below.

I've tried looking to see if I can anonymize the archive, but haven't 
found anything mentioning that as a possibility yet.

Please respond as soon as possible as I would really like to start on 
this migration no later than 2022-10-14.

When it comes to this migration, are you for or against it? (Please 
answer yes/no/doesn't matter)

When it comes to this migration, would you like to have users imported 
into the new system? (Please answer yes/no/doesn't matter)

When it comes to the archives, would you prefer to have it imported into 
the new system? (Please answer yes/no/doesn't matter)


Gary Kramlich <grim at>

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