Possible libpurple vulnerability in multiple prpls

John Bailey rekkanoryo at rekkanoryo.org
Sun Aug 16 15:57:58 EDT 2009

Warren Togami wrote:
> OK, sitting for this long without a new 2.5.9 is more uncertainty as to
> what exactly 2.5.9 will be.  I'm going ahead with the 2.5.8 +
> CVE-2009-2694 that I built on Friday.
> Warren

I was waiting for another developer to state a preference one way or the other
on including the patch.  Since there was no further discussion, I have
regenerated the tarball and signature previously linked here and added the
.tar.gz and .tar.gz.asc files as well.  I have also replaced the tag.

For reference, the patch Elliott sent does not apply to bonjour and must be done


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