Remote crashes being fixed in 2.6.2

Josh Bressers bressers at
Wed Sep 9 16:07:56 EDT 2009

----- "Paul Aurich" <paul at> wrote:

> Per Warren's request, this is a list of remote crashes being fixed in 
> 2.6.2. The XMPP crash, at the least, probably impacts everything back 
> to and including 2.5.2 (when that support was added). I don't know  
> about the others.

Warren asked me to start a conversation about security flaw handling in
Pidgin. Right now it's a bit uneven, the goal should be to provide a
consistent response every time a security flaw is found and fixed.

I'm not sure what sort of current internal infrastructure Pidgin has to deal
with security flaws right now, so initially I'm happy to just listen.

As some background, I help a number of different Open Source projects do just
this sort of thing. It's annoying work, but if it's done properly, it helps
everyone from developers, to distros, to users.



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