Pidgin 2.10.7 - two issues

Lukas Odzioba lukas.odzioba at
Wed Jul 17 18:05:05 EDT 2013

I found two interesting (I hope) things in Pidgin 2.10.7 sources.

finch/libgnt/gntwm.c: 997: - null pointer dereference
len = wcstombs(NULL, wide, 0) + 1;

First arg should not be NULL it is "dest".

libpurple/protocols/msn/directconn.c:49 - reduced etropy
static void msn_dc_calculate_nonce_hash(MsnDirectConnNonceType type,
const guchar nonce[16], gchar nonce_hash[37]) {

purple_cipher_context_append(context, nonce, sizeof(nonce));

Here sizeof(nonce) = size of a pointer, not 16 so we have 32 or 64
bits of entropy used instead of expected 128.


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