Problems in QQ login in 64bit Ubuntu

Shunping Huang mark.sphuang at
Tue Jan 8 10:54:13 EST 2008

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am a true-hearted user of Pidgin. Thank you very much for your

Recently, I compiled and installed Pidgin 2.3.1 on my laptop with
Ubuntu-gusty-64bit, because I knew that some improvements had been made to
support QQ.

I tried to login my qq, but the program suggested "Login failed, no reply",
however, at the same time I could login my gtalk and msn without any
trouble. But the most strange thing is, when I installed the i386 version of
pidgin 2.3.1 with lots of 32bit libraries implemented, I can easily login my
QQ, but meanwhile, gtalk and msn failed. So I am wonder if there is any
deadly difference between 32bit Pidgin 2.3.1 and 64bit one in QQ supporting.

I hope you can help me with my problem. Looking forwards to your reply.

Yours, sincerly
Mark Huang
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