pidgin 2.5.2 RPM build errors

Bill Pier bpier at
Tue Oct 21 11:32:42 EDT 2008

Has anyone else had some minor errors with building their own
RPMs of the 2.5.2 release?

build system:  MDV 2008.1

RPMbuild errors with files checking towards the end of the build:
/files installed (but unpackaged)

/The files in question:

As these files are not used for the actual RPM installation of the
Pidgin app, I modified the pidgin.spec file by adding these files
to the section that deletes build files not destined for installation.
The RPM build and subsequent upgrade/installation then worked fine.

Perhaps someone on the dev team can appropriately mod the dist
spec file for future release RPM builds..

Bill Pier
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