Pidgin with MSN

Ben Bridts ben at
Mon Jan 12 16:08:00 EST 2009

Vladimir Kraljevic wrote:
> I kind doubt it..:) Check this out, an alternate MSN connection thingy
> for Pidgin: To connect, a new
> account should be created, with WLM, instead of MSN.
You don't need to do this. The issue was indeed resolved (for now) by MSN. There was a minor
protocol change (as you can read on the blogpost mentioned earlier) but it seems like MSN reverted it.

> On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 9:39 PM, Michael Secord <gizmokid2005 at> wrote:
>> This has been resolved it looks like.  All my MSN accounts have connected.
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject: Re: Pidgin with MSN
>> From: Vladimir Kraljevic <ooydoboora at>
>> To: Michael Thunell <michael.thunell at>
>> Date: 1/12/2009 3:33 PM
>>> Looks like a known issue. Lots of people have already posted to
>>> support at
>>> ps.
>>> (from the Ubuntu forum):
>>> 2009/1/12 Michael Thunell <michael.thunell at>:
>>>> Hi!
>>>> I've get the messages "Could not get MSN-address book" when I use Pidgin
>>>> 2.5.2 with the MSN-protocol?

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