Read Error when connecting to XMPP

Temples, Christopher S Mr CIV USN christopher.temples at
Wed Jul 29 12:54:09 EDT 2009

Yesterday when I went to log in to the DCO XMPP server using  Pidgin. I 
am unable to connect to the server. I receive a "Read Error" When I 
looked at the log in pidgin I noticed that I did receive my buddy list 
and was able to set my status, but that shortly after that it said the 
connection was terminated by the server. I can attach the logs if 
necessary. I have been successfully using Pidgin for several months with 
no issues until recently. There are several other people in my same 
building that are successfully using Pidgin. I have tried removing and 
adding the account in Pidgin. I am using the correct password and user 
name as I can login to the website using the same information. I have 
tried a second client (Digsby) and it was able to "connect" but shortly 
after it would flash my buddy list then get disconnected. This would 
happen until I told it to stop connecting. I have attached the logs from 

Thank you for any help you can provide.  I apologize if this is the 
wrong way to do this. 


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