Westell 6110F modem breaks pidgin connectivity

Paul Aurich paul at darkrain42.org
Sat Jun 6 03:00:26 EDT 2009

On Jun 2, 2009, at 19:36, LailaKumaki at gmail.com wrote:
> I recently reconfigured my network using a new Westell 6110F modem  
> as a bridge to my original router.
> Without changing my router's settings whatsoever, the new modem  
> appears to have made pidgin unable to connect to my IM protocols.  
> gmail and MSN get a refused connection.
> However, accessing gmail through my browser and accessing MSN  
> through the live messenger work perfectly.
> I have attempted forwarding the protocol's listen ports on my router  
> to no avail. Pidgin now simply fails to connect. Curiously I  
> attempted to use Trillian as an alternative and encountered the same  
> problem.

I don't know why MSN isn't working (it may be unrelated), but Google  
Talk probably isn't working because your new modem cannot handle DNS  
queries properly.

See http://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/Protocol%20Specific%20Questions#WhycantIlogontomyGoogleTalkGoogleAppsaccountanymore 
  for more information.


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