MSN message sending help

Adam Wolf adam at
Tue May 5 22:35:59 EDT 2009

I just added a new account to pidgin. It's Adam at, however I
validated it at so that I can use it with MSN messenger, pidgin,
etc. As long as a contact has added me, I can IM them with no problems.
however, any time I try to meessage a contact who doesn't have me on their
list, I get this auto-reply

*Message was not sent because the system is unavailable. This normally
happens when the user is blocked or does not exist.

*However, I'm certain that all of the users I'm trying to contat, do indeed
exist. who why doesn't my mesage go thru? previously, I had been using
LUEshi at as my msn/windows live IM account and I never had this
problem with IMing anyone. even those I had not previously contacted.
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