Pidgin Problem

Brian Morrison bdm at
Thu Nov 5 18:14:37 EST 2009

On Thu, 05 Nov 2009 15:47:11 -0700
jessie <saturnzshadow at> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have been attempting to send a link to a web page in is a 
> rather long link and every time I attempt to send it the program stops 
> working and I must use "Force Quit".  In an attempt to understand the 
> problem better I tried sending several short links, these worked perfectly.

It would be useful if you could generate a backtrace, and perhaps
include the link you were trying to send when you report the problem at
the Pidgin bug tracker. There are instructions here:

and tips on submitting bug reports here:


Brian Morrison

                "I am not young enough to know everything"
                                                          Oscar Wilde

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