
MXit Support MailBox MXitSupport at mxit.com
Wed Oct 14 08:55:37 EDT 2009


Here is a simple way to test the connectivity for PC Client users from a PC to a MXit server using the Telnet command:

   1. Open a Command Prompt window (START button >Run. -or- Window-Key + 'R') and type in "cmd" (without the quotes) and hit OK. A Black window screen will appear with some Microsoft Windows information.

   2. Execute the Telnet command by typing the following:
         1. telnet pc.stream.mxit.com 9119 -or-
         2. telnet pc.poll.mxit.com 8080

   3. The following should result:
         1. If a connection was successfully established, then the command prompt window will be cleared of any text (leaving a black window). To exit, press Ctrl + ']', and then 'q'.
         2. If a connection was unable to be established, then a message similar to "Could not open connection to the host, on port 9119/8080: Connection failed"

Additional notes:

    * If port '8080' doesn't work, try port '80' as an alternative.
    * Vista users may need to install Telnet as an additional application (which was installed as standard with previous versions of Windows).
    * Users may need Administrator privileges to run the Telnet command.


Interactive Support: 086 100 MXit (6948) | Fax: 2721 883 8123

-----Original Message-----
From: support-bounces at pidgin.im [mailto:support-bounces at pidgin.im] On Behalf Of David Woolley
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 8:48 AM
To: Ina VD Westhuizen
Cc: support at pidgin.im
Subject: Re: Letter

Ina VD Westhuizen wrote:
> Can you please help me when I connect to my pidgin it does not want to 
> connect it says unable to connect to mxit server. Please check your 
> server server settings can someone please help me.

You need to use the MXiT support channels at 
<http://forum.mxit.com/viewforum.php?f=150>, as MXiT in Pidgin is a 
third party plugin.

(For a short time MXiT support did respond on this list, but they don't 
seem to have done so for over a month now.)

PS It helps a lot of you make the message subject a summary of the 
details of the problem, e..g 'Pidgin: "Unable to connect to MXiT server'
David Woolley
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