Chat lines

Jerry jerry.lo233 at
Tue Oct 20 23:46:18 EDT 2009

My chat window for gmail takes on this format.

(8:37:03 PM) *OTHER PERSON*: :/
(8:37:05 PM) OTHER PERSON: liar
(8:37:06 PM) OTHER PERSON: lol.
(8:38:39 PM) MY EMAIL ADDRESS/F2304B79: yeah
(8:38:42 PM) MY EMAIL ADDRESS/F2304B79: im a bad liar
First, how do I remove the "other person's" name whenever they send me a
chat. Second, how do I remove my email and the set of letters and numbers
that follows it. I want to keep the color coding, and was wondering if there
was a setting for this interface that I can switch on and off.
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