Help on Pidgin defect

Lorenzo Paglialonga lorenzo.paglialonga at
Thu Jul 8 02:48:24 EDT 2010

Dear all,
I'm a very happy Pidgin user and first of all I want to thank you for all
the time you spent on this project to allow us to use this excellent IM

I'm dropping you this email to ask for your help for a Pidgin defect. In
fact on this month I move to another company and I found in this new company
MSN is able to work only though HTTP method.

>From the bug track I found there are 2 defects (Ticket #3126 and Ticket
#7325) concerned with my trouble and assigned to khc; unfortunately there is
no milestone set for them.

For this reason I was forced to use Windows Live Messenger ( :-( ), even if
I really like very much Pidgin..

My question is: according with the time you think to work on Pidgin, do you
think you'll be able to fix this defect in the few next releases?

>From the roadmap on the Pidgin web site I see neither in the version 2.7.2
nor in the 2.8 nor in the 3.0 the fix for this bug is planned..

I'm sorry to disturb you and I hope you'll be able to help me..

Thank you again for your huge effort on Pidgin.

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