application hangs with 2.7

Chuck Braden jcbraden at
Fri Jun 25 09:07:13 EDT 2010

So does the batch file get launched when the application is started and does it just sit and wait for an event? Is it intended to be started after a hang has occurred and the application had to be killed? What is the process to access the file (which I guess is debug.log?)

>>> Daniel Atallah <datallah at> 6/24/2010 3:14 PM >>>
On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 14:59, Chuck Braden <jcbraden at> wrote:
> So is the creation of a pidgin.vbs file supposed to be able to start the application in the mode that will generate the debug log? I get nothing when I double-click on a file with the following attributes.
> Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
> obj = WshShell.Run("pidgin.bat", 0)
> It is associated with a Microsoft Windows based script host. Does it need to be associated with a different application/program?

That is correct - it is just a MSSH script to launch the pidgin batch
file and hide the console window.


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