QQ and pidgin 2.7.6

David Woolley forums at david-woolley.me.uk
Tue Nov 23 16:46:53 EST 2010

Jim He wrote:
> Hello, if this is related to QQ, then Pidgin 2.7.3 should also not work. 
> But in fact pidgin version 2.7.3 works perfectly. I know that there 
> haven't been qq changes since 2.6.0, that's what's so weird about this. 
> It would be great if there is a solution. Thanks.

People have been reporting QQ broken since before 2.7.3, and there 
appear to have been no fixes.  Maybe QQ have been phasing their users 
over onto a new server.

If there has been damage from a change in common code, you'll need to 
provide debug logs.

David Woolley
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