Pidgin help

David Woolley forums at
Mon May 16 04:18:57 EDT 2011

Lakshmi Arunachalam wrote:
> I am using pidgin for the first time. i configured my gmail account , 
> but when i tried to login, i am getting the error:
> *Could not establish a connection with the server:
> Connection refused*
Firewall, broken DNS implementation in ADSL router, out of date version 
of Pidgin, are the most likely.  The debug log may give more clues; 
obscure sensitive data before posting it to this, public, mailing list.

David Woolley
Emails are not formal business letters, whatever businesses may want.
RFC1855 says there should be an address here, but, in a world of spam,
that is no longer good advice, as archive address hiding may not work.

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