
Daniel Atallah datallah at
Tue May 31 09:58:10 EDT 2011

2011/5/31 capucine choupette <capucine851 at>:
> bonjour, je n’arrive pas activer mon compte pidgin ce qui est dommage car si
> cela ne se fait pas je vais etre obligee  de desinstaller pidgin , cela me
> dit mot de passe incorrect merci de faire quelquechose pour moi car cela
> fait deux fois que je vous envoies un mail mais sans reponsede votre part
> alors j’espere que vous allez lire ce message-ci

It sounds very much like your password is incorrect.  You haven't
specified which service (MSN, Google Talk, etc.) that you're trying to
connect to, so there isn't a lot that we can suggest without more

It's also worth noting that Pidgin has no control of your accounts at
all - it is just a client that connects to the same servers that the
native clients connect to.


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