Available yet Idle in Pidgin

Thompson, Liz - thomp3ea thomp3ea at jmu.edu
Thu Apr 5 14:01:05 EDT 2012

Good afternoon.

I am new to this support mailing list, but I am floundering with this problem, so here I am.

Here's the background: Most of our staff use Pidgin on their PCs to interact with the libraryh3lp.com chat client.  When we rolled out chat to our staff, we decided that everyone would use the same Idle settings (report idle time, minutes before becoming idle, change to Away status when idle, etc).  We are all set to have our status change to Away after 4 minutes of Idle time.  Lately, several staff accounts show up on Buddy lists with an Available status, but instead of the bright green dot, they have a light green dot.  So I started setting my Buddy list to show Idle times, and each time the light green dot appears, the staff member's machine is idle, but their libraryh3lp account is still available.

Well, you can imagine the issues we are having when this happens overnight - we are missing quite a few incoming chats.  I've looked through the FAQs (http://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/FAQ), but I don't see anything that addresses this particular problem.

I'm looking forward to your response.  Thank you!

Liz Thompson
Library Assistant
East Campus Library

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